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Grass Charcoal Soil Gardening Fertilizer Production Equipment

Grass Charcoal Soil Gardening Fertilizer Production Equipment
Grass charcoal soil gardening fertilizer production equipment is not what we think is fixed equipment, but need to be decided according to the site and materials, such as chicken manure more moisture, fermentation must reduce the moisture, you can add straw broken corn cob and so on, otherwise it is not granulated, and sheep manure is relatively dry, fermentation control the moisture will not need to add straw and so on can be granulated directly, the process is different equipment used is also different.

The production process of grass carbon soil gardening fertilizer production equipment is:① raw material fermentation --- ② raw material computer belt scale automatic batching ---- ③ crushing ---- mixing and stirring ----- ④ granulation ----- ⑤ drying granules --- ⑥ cooling ----- ⑦ sieving machine sieving out qualified organic fertilizer particles pellets ----- ⑧film coating machine ---- ⑨automatic packaging metering filling machine

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Wulong Industrial Cluster, Zhengzhou, China