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Simple Chicken Manure Treatment Equipment for Chicken Farm

Simple Chicken Manure Treatment Equipment for Chicken Farm
Regardless of the size of chicken farms, proper treatment and utilization of chicken manure is important for the environmental health of chicken farms. Proper treatment can remove odor and flies, and also turn chicken manure into fertilizer, making full use of the value of chicken manure, helping agricultural development and generating good ecological and economic benefits.

The main purpose of chicken farms is to deal with chicken manure, there is no requirement for the product form, so the purchase of equipment purchased to deal with chicken manure, you do not need to buy a full set of organic fertilizer equipment production line, you only need to buy 2-3 units of equipment.

Chicken farms need to buy equipment: fermentation and tossing equipment, crushing equipment.

Processing chicken manure into organic fertilizer with organic fertilizer equipment can fertilize the land, crops, plants and other crops. Organic fertilizer contains organic matter and a variety of trace elements, which are of high nutritional value to the land and crops.

 One step in the processing of chicken manure into organic fertilizer is fermentation, which is also a very important step. Chicken manure is organic fertilizer only when it is fully fermented and decomposed, and vice versa, it is harmful waste.

There are many types of organic fertilizer fermentation equipment, such as: fermentation tank, trough tumbler or walking tumbler, trough tumbler and so on, choose any one of them. Chicken farm chicken manure is collected, sprinkled with fermenting agent, and fermentation process is carried out with fermentation equipment.

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