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Why Use Organic Fertilizer

Why Use Organic Fertilizer
The correct use of organic fertilizer can quickly increase soil organic matter, improve soil permeability, relieve soil fatigue, improve the buffering capacity of the soil, to provide a good environment for the growth of crops. However, I found during the interview in the countryside, farmers use organic fertilizer methods more than improper, there is still room for improvement.

The use of organic fertilizer to fully rotted. Fully-rotted organic fertilizer does not produce harmful gases, no root burning, no bacteria, decomposition is fast, conducive to the absorption of crop roots.

But many farmers are not the habit of manure rotting, generally buy now, because raw manure into the soil will generate heat for secondary fermentation, many times will cause some harm to crops and fruit trees, such as burning roots dead phenomenon.

So manure must be thoroughly rotted before use, in order to promote ripening, can be added to the manure to accelerate the ripening agent.

For commercial organic fertilizer, farmers can apply it to the soil around the root system in packets or cavities to locally improve the soil organic matter content and create a good growth environment for the crop root system.

Improve soil organic matter content is not a short time to complete things, need a longer process, because the organic matter in the soil is easy to decompose under the action of soil microorganisms, so that the organic matter in the soil is greatly reduced, so farmers should use organic fertilizer year after year.


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