Large-Scale Organic Fertilizer Equipment Manufacturer

Functions of Humic Acid

Functions of Humic Acid
Function 1
Humic acid is a binder for soil gravels, which allows the soil to form a certain amount of support to support crop growth.
Function 2
Humic acid is a water retainer for the soil. If too much water is added to sand, the water will quickly seep away, but if humic acid is mixed into the sand and water, the water not only evaporates slowly, but some water molecules that have a deep affinity with humic acid are even extremely difficult to lose. After mixing humic acid with equal amount of sand again, more water can be adsorbed and not easily lost.
Function 3
It has strong chelating ability, which can chelate almost all the nutrients needed for plant growth.
Humic acid will hold the calcium ions firmly in its arms, preventing it from contacting with carbonate ions, so that the calcium ions will not be fixed. Therefore, humic acid is also an activator and fertilizer retainer for soil mineral elements.
Function 4
Humic acid molecule contains both basic and acidic groups, and it can act as a buffer for soil acidity and alkalinity.
Function 5
Humic acid-like substances can chelate toxic aluminum ions. Acidic soils contain excessive amounts of aluminum ions. It wraps up the aluminum ions to keep it from contacting with plants, and similarly with heavy metals such as lead and cadmium. Make humic acid become soil detoxifier.
Other functions
In addition to the above functions, humic acid can also serve to increase ground temperature, improve agglomerate structure, and provide microbial carbon sources.

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Wulong Industrial Cluster, Zhengzhou, China