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Advantages of Bio-organic Fertilizer

Advantages of Bio-organic Fertilizer
Bio-organic fertilizer is an organic fertilizer containing a large number of functional microorganisms, which is made by adding functional microbial agents to rotten materials for secondary fermentation on the basis of compost.

Compared with other fertilizers, it has the advantages of soil fertilization and product quality improvement.

Compared with chemical fertilizer: Bio-organic fertilizer has more complete nutritional elements, which can effectively improve soil, regulate soil and inter-root micro-ecological balance, improve crop resistance to diseases and insects, and improve product quality with long-term use.

Compared with agricultural fertilizer: the fundamental advantage of bio-organic fertilizer is that the functional bacteria in bio-organic fertilizer have specific effects on improving soil fertility and promoting crop growth, while agricultural fertilizer is generated by natural fermentation, which does not have the special effects of the dominant functional bacteria.

Compared with simple bacterial fertilizer: bio-organic fertilizer contains functional bacteria and organic matter, organic matter can improve the soil, which is itself the environment for functional bacteria to live, and functional bacteria can easily colonize and play a role after application into the soil; while simple bacterial fertilizer only contains functional bacteria, and the functional bacteria in it may not be suitable for the soil environment, and may not survive or play a role if the soil lacks organic matter. On the other hand, bio-organic fertilizer is cheaper than bio-fertilizer.

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