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  • Autumn Fertilization of Fruit Trees, must Remember the Two 70%

Autumn Fertilization of Fruit Trees, must Remember the Two 70%

Autumn Fertilization of Fruit Trees, must Remember the Two 70%
In each year in the autumn fertilization process, there are such and such problems, some fruit farmers apply a single large chemical fertilizer; some fruit farmers do not apply fertilizer in the fall, to the next spring and then apply. After years of practice and observation, autumn fertilization base fertilizer is an important fertilization throughout the year, and to do the two 70 percent.

The first seventy percent, the amount of fertilizer to account for about 70% of the annual fertilization. Fruit trees every year before May growth with nutrients, most of the nutrients from the reserve, in the spring fruit trees long leaves, long branches, flowering, fruiting, the size of the leaves, the length of the spring tips are determined by the amount of nutrients in the fruit tree reserve. So where do the reserve nutrients come from? Fertilization in autumn. Every year around October, most of the nutrients produced by the fruit tree's leaves flow back to the roots, when almost all of the tree does not grow, or grow very slowly.

The size of the fruit depends on the size of the buds, practice has shown that the continuous fruit of the tree fruit is relatively small, small year tree fruit is small, this is because of the high yield of the tree, more fruit, more nutrients consumed, the fruit tree's nutrient distribution center allocated to the fruit more, less allocated to the buds. After September is the morphological differentiation of flower buds, that is to say, is to determine the size of the flower buds period, when the autumn application of fertilizer is sufficient for the fruit tree reserves of nutrients, the size of the flower buds have played a decisive role. So autumn fertilizer is very important, must be from the mind from the awareness to pay attention to.

The size of the leaf is one of the main factors of the size of the fruit, flowering, orchard leaves can quickly grow out, green with white, this orchard tree is good, the fruit is big. By May, the size of the leaves will be basically set it. At this time, the tree on the nutrient conversion period, the leaves will have the function of manufacturing nutrients, the tree reserves of nutrients consumed, so the fruit tree year-round nutrition in the early, early nutrition from the reserve nutrients, reserve nutrients from the autumn application of fertilizer, so that the autumn application of fertilizer is very important.

The second seventy percent, the amount of organic fertilizer to account for seventy percent of the annual fertilization. In recent years, fruit farmers friends in order to improve production, in the fertilization process to increase the amount of chemical fertilizers, resulting in fruit quality is not good redness, bad taste, tree leaflets, leaves, verticillium disease, root rot and other diseases.

Soil acidification, slating, microbial mass reduction, CCTV once reported that the land fed by chemical fertilizers thin, is the application of too much chemical fertilizer instead of a decline in yield, quality decline in the situation. To measure the fertility of the land is not fertile, is the soil organic matter content, not fertilizer content, we must be clear that fertilizer in fertile soil to increase yields, in order to play the power of fertilizer. Minerals in the soil to rely on beneficial bacteria, that is, microorganisms to decompose, so as to be absorbed by the root system of fruit trees.


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