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How to Use the Value of Cattle Manure on Cattle Farms

How to Use the Value of Cattle Manure on Cattle Farms
The economic value of cattle is high, but cow manure is a big problem for cattle farms, how to deal with it is better?

1, Make into Organic Fertilizer
The organic matter contained in cow manure is about 14%-15%, which is a high quality organic fertilizer raw material. Cattle manure added fermentation bacterium, after about 35 days of fermentation and ripening, is a high-quality organic fertilizer. In order to make cow manure organic fertilizer with higher nutrients, you can add a certain amount of protein and nitrogen to the well-fermented and rotted cow manure. The finished organic fertilizer can be sold or used for your own use.

To make cow manure organic fertilizer, generally need to use fermentation tossing equipment, crushing equipment, sieving equipment, granulation equipment, etc.

2, Make Cattle Mattress Material
Bed comfortable or not directly affect the rate of cattle bed, clean and dry cattle mattress material can also reduce the incidence of bacterial reproduction and hoof disease, to protect the health of cattle. At present, the bedding material of cattle farms mainly high temperature fermentation of good cow manure, sand, rice husk, etc.. Let's look at how to apply cow manure to make bedding.
(1) Wet and Dry Separation
If the moisture content of cow manure is more than 70%, use the wet and dry separator to separate wet and dry first.
(2) High Temperature Fermentation
You can use fermentation tank and fermentation tumbler to ferment cow manure at high temperature. After high temperature fermentation, cow manure is sterile, fluffy and good, which is cheap and safe bedding for cattle farms.

3, Raising Earthworms
Cow manure contains a lot of plant fiber and minerals, and has a loose texture and good air permeability, which is suitable for earthworms to grow and reproduce. However, cow manure should be well fermented and decomposed, otherwise it will cause earthworms to die or escape.

4, Mushroom Cultivation
Cow manure is rich in organic matter and nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which is suitable for growing mushrooms. The key technology of using cow dung to grow mushrooms mainly lies in the fermentation and high temperature sterilization of the culture material.

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