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Is Autumn Priming Golden

Is Autumn Priming Golden
As the saying goes, "I'm not afraid of a high building, but I'm afraid the foundation is not firm".

Fruit tree fertilization is also the same, if the bottom fertilizer is not good, not full, not right, not all, then no matter how much you fertilizer, but also can not reach the "ten perfect", because the bottom fertilizer determines the tree potential, tree potential determines everything, so that "a bottom top ten chase". This is also often said that "autumn, silver, spring fertilizer is bad iron".

"Spring river water warm duck prophet, a leaf fall to know the world's autumn". Late autumn cold wind blowing, the temperature drops, the fruit tree above ground part of the stomatal closure, yellowing leaves lose photosynthesis, fallen leaves have lost the ability to convert, nutrition with the gradual decline in temperature and constantly sinking, winter will all sink and storage to the root system.

Why early autumn fertilization?

First, the soil has a certain temperature and humidity, conducive to fertilizer decomposition and conversion.

Second, the leaves are not yellowing and have photosynthesis and conversion ability.

Third, it is at the time of the third growth peak of the root system, with particularly strong regeneration ability of broken roots.

Fourth, it is at the third nutrient conversion period of the fruit tree, and all the nutrients converted through the leaves will be stored in the root system of the fruit tree.

Fifth, the fruit of late-ripening varieties has not yet been picked, and organic nutrition can enhance the quality of the fruit.

Therefore, autumn fertilizer is gold, early autumn fertilizer is a thousand feet of gold.

Autumn fertilizer, especially early autumn fertilizer, can enhance and stabilize the tree, can make the tree moderate and robust, can improve the fruit tree's overwintering cold resistance and disease resistance throughout the year, can promote the fruit tree's bud morphology differentiation, can lay a solid nutritional foundation for the second year fruit tree budding, long roots, branching, leafing, flowering, fruit.

Autumn fertilization "six words".

Early, good, full, appropriate, uniform, together.

To be based on long-lasting slow-release, scientific formula fertilization. Insist on the combination of organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, large and medium trace elements with complementary, balanced fertilization, precise fertilization, effective fertilization.

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Wulong Industrial Cluster, Zhengzhou, China