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Straw Processing Organic Fertilizer Notes

Straw Processing Organic Fertilizer Notes
1, Straw processing should first of all crush the material to a certain fineness by straw grinder, and then also must add to it the appropriate amount of raw materials such as poultry manure and urine or sludge to adjust the carbon to nitrogen ratio and moisture of the compost material, or add strains of bacteria and enzymes.

2, Fermentation is divided into two stages: one is the pre-fermentation, can be carried out in the open air or fermentation device, through the turning type forced ventilation for the compost layer or fermentation device to supply oxygen to straw as the main body to add livestock manure, aerobic compost main fermentation period of about 3 to 10 days. The second is post-fermentation, after the main fermentation of semi-finished products sent to the post-fermentation process, the main fermentation process has not yet decomposed easy to decompose organic matter and more difficult to decompose organic matter to further decomposition, so that it becomes humic acid, amino acids and other stable organic matter, to get fully decomposed organic fertilizer products, post-fermentation time is usually 20 ~ 30 days or more.

3, Post-fermentation treatment can be further dried and crushed as needed to turn the material into qualified organic fertilizer raw materials.

4, Storage compost is generally used in the spring and autumn, in the summer and winter must be accumulated, storage can be directly piled in the fermenter or bagged, requiring dry and breathable. 

The above is the straw processing of organic fertilizer need to pay attention to the key points, and this method is suitable for the promotion of straw resources in China's rich grain-producing areas and areas with limited environmental capacity, especially suitable for environmental problems are more prominent in urban and rural areas.

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