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What to do When Flies are Breeding in the Composting Process

What to do When Flies are Breeding in the Composting Process
Reason Analysis

Where there is water, there are easily flies and mosquitoes. Rainwater, wastewater, wet materials and other places with high water content are places for flies to live and breed. Generally speaking, fly eggs in more than 35% humidity environment will be able to hatch larvae, the best hatching humidity of 70%. In addition, adult seed flies have a tendency to lay eggs on unripe materials. Fresh compost raw materials covered on the surface of the pile, the bottom layer of the pile (high moisture content), the periphery of the pile (easy for flies to lay eggs in it) are easy places for flies to breed, and sometimes maggots can be found growing inside the pile.


Although it is not good to have maggots or pupae during the fermentation process, it is common. Because the material put in itself may have insect eggs, with the high temperature of fermentation and the completion of the food source, the insect eggs will be extinct naturally. It can also be reduced or eliminated by quickly handling the raw materials, turning the pile more frequently (once every 4~7d), turning the materials at the bottom to the middle and upper layers, and covering the surface of the static pile with more than 10cm of well-rotted organic fertilizer (to isolate mosquitoes and flies from laying eggs).

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