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Working principle of solid-liquid separator

Working principle of solid-liquid separator

Fully automatic, use the non blocking submerged pump equipped with the equipment to pump the cow dung / pig dung water into the solid-liquid separator, and then gradually push the dung water to the front of the machine by the auger. At the same time, continuously increase the pressure at the front edge of the machine, forcing the water in the material to squeeze out of the mesh screen under the action of edge pressure and belt filtration and flow out of the drainage pipe.

Continuity, the work of the solid-liquid separator is continuous. The cow dung / pig dung water is continuously lifted into the solid-liquid separation body, and the pressure at the front edge is increasing. When it is large to a certain extent, the discharge port is pushed open and extruded out of the extrusion port to achieve the purpose of extrusion discharge.

Convenience, in order to master the discharge speed and water content, the counterweight block under the host can be adjusted to achieve a satisfactory and appropriate discharge state. If too much cow dung water / pig dung water is pumped, it will be discharged to the original cow dung / pig dung pool through the overflow pipe. The cow dung wastewater separated by spiral extrusion filtration can be directly sent to the biogas digester for biogas fermentation or to its wastewater sedimentation tank.

Environmentally friendly, dry cow dung / pig dung is extruded from the outlet. After the solid-liquid separator, COD and BOD in fecal water are greatly reduced, which is convenient for subsequent standard discharge. The separated fecal sewage can be directly discharged to the biogas digester for biogas fermentation. The fermented fecal residue liquid is a very good organic fertilizer liquid, and can also be discharged to the biogas digester for recycling.

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