Large-Scale Organic Fertilizer Equipment Manufacturer

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Advantages of organic fertilizer processing equipment

Advantages of organic fertilizer processing equipment

Organic fertilizer processing equipment uses pig manure, cow manure, chicken manure and other poultry manure as raw materials to produce organic fertilizer. When chickens, pigs, sheep and other poultry and livestock feed their feed, because of their weak digestion ability, 75% of the nutrients in the feed are discharged with the feces, and the discharged feces contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter, amino acids, and protein which is good for soil and crops, so many people use organic fertilizer equipment to make these manures into organic fertilizer for secondary use.

Advantages of organic fertilizer processing equipment:

1. The range of applicable raw materials is wide. The organic fertilizer processing equipment is not only suitable for livestock manure, but also suitable for the fermentation of grass charcoal, sludge, lignite, and straw, and the production of mixed feed pellets such as corn meal, bean meal, and grass meal.

2. The organic fertilizer processing equipment has high working efficiency, and these equipments are all automated. For example, in the fermentation process, you only need to put the raw materials, auxiliary materials, starter and other materials into the fermentation equipment and press the button to automatically complete the fermentation without manual turning and throwing, and the fermentation time is doubled. The production time of organic fertilizer is shorten by the organic fertilizer processing equipment.

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