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Detailed interpretation of organic fertilizer fermentation tank process

Detailed interpretation of organic fertilizer fermentation tank process

Organic fertilizer fermentation tank is specialized in the treatment of living sludge, kitchen waste, livestock and poultry excrement and other organic waste integrated complete set of equipment. It mainly uses microorganisms to decompose and mature the organic matter in the waste and convert it into organic fertilizer raw materials to realize resource utilization.

Organic fertilizer fermentation tank, which can be used to handle pig manure, chicken manure, cow manure, sheep manure, the fungus mushroom residue, medical, crop straw and other organic waste, 10 hours to complete disposal process, covers an area of less (fermentation machine only 10 to 30 square meters), no pollution (closed fermentation), eggs thoroughly to kill disease (can be adjusted to 80-100℃ high temperature), It is suitable for aquaculture enterprises, circular agriculture and ecological agriculture to realize waste resource utilization.

The preparation of Organic fertilizer fermentation tank is mainly composed of fermentation chamber, feeding and lifting system, high-pressure air supply system, spindle drive system, hydraulic power system, automatic discharging system, deodorization system and automatic control system. The process includes four processes: mixing and tempering, feeding, aerobic fermentation and automatic feeding.

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