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What is the Role of Humic Acid

What is the Role of Humic Acid
The results of years of research show that humic acid has obvious "five roles" in agricultural applications, that is, the humic acid contained in humic acid fertilizer has the same properties as the humic acid in soil and agricultural fertilizers.
1, Can improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil.
2, Enhance the crop resistance performance.
3, It can have a synergistic effect on inorganic nutrients.
4, Stimulating effect on plant growth.
5, Improve crop quality, etc..

After the five major effects of humic acid in agricultural applications were determined, humic acid fertilizers were once promoted vigorously, which largely alleviated the contradiction between supply and demand due to the shortage of chemical fertilizers. However, due to the lack of standards and unclear concepts, the once booming humic acid fertilizer slowly cooled down. However, in recent years, in order to meet the needs of modern agricultural development, the importance of humic acid fertilizer has been increasing around the world, and the humic acid industry has become active again.

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